Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Squirrel Removal Boston, MA

squirrel removal boston

Squirrel Removal Boston, MA

Squirrels are one of the most common nuisance wildlife in Massachusetts. 

Squirrels will often make their way into attics or walls, causing expensive damage. Thankfully, we can help!

Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston today for comprehensive squirrel removal services. We can remove the squirrels, find out where they are coming from and seal them out, keeping them from coming back in the future. 

Cost of Squirrel Removal

Squirrel removal costs can be variable, depending on the location of the squirrel, how many squirrels there are, and how much damage the squirrel has done. For estimates and more, call the licensed experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for squirrel removal Boston, MA cost today or fill out a contact form.

Squirrel Trapping | Squirrel Trapping Near Me

The main source of conflict between humans and squirrels is the squirrel’s tendency to make its nest in the attic of a house. Squirrels can make their way inside a house through the smallest openings in the roof or attic vents.

Squirrels will often rip and tear into your house to widen small holes to get in. Squirrels are also excellent climbers that make their homes in trees. If you have tall trees that are located very close to your house, squirrels can often jump from the tree to your roof, where they’ll find a way inside. People often can tell squirrels are inside their attic when they hear running, gnawing and scratching. 

Squirrels, like most attic-dwelling nuisance animals, can cause catastrophic damage to your home by chewing on everything and destroying your home’s insulation to build their nests. Like many attic-dwelling nuisance animals, squirrels can soil your insulation with urine and feces, which will need to be replaced as it can spread disease to your family. 

Squirrels can spread many diseases, including leptospirosis, Tularemia, rabies, and Lyme disease. Squirrels are also often hosts to parasites like fleas, mites and ticks that can spread to the rest of your house.

Once the squirrels have made their way into your house, you are going to have to get them out. However, getting these squirrels out will not be easy. Using a combination of traps and one-way devices, aka devices that allow the squirrel to leave but not re-enter, is the best option. 

However, handling squirrels by yourself can be dangerous, so call the experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399 for squirrel removal Boston, MA.

Squirrel Prevention

The best way to keep squirrels as well as other rodents from entering your house is to take preventative steps to make your house less accessible and less attractive as a home to rodents. Squirrels love to use long tree branches to get inside your attic, so keeping tree branches trimmed and at least six feet apart from your house is a good start. 

Constantly clearing out your gutters and keeping your grass well-maintained and short is also a great preventative step. Sealing any cracks in your walls, sealing your doors and windows with caulk and putting a screen on any attic vents can help keep the squirrels from entering. Not feeding wildlife is also crucial, as that lets them know your house is a food source.

Squirrel Feeding Habits

Eastern gray squirrels love to feed on any species of nut including hazelnuts, acorns, seeds, etc. Red squirrels will often eat the cones off pine trees in the forests they live in. Flying squirrels are also known to feed on fungi, bird eggs and even nestlings. Squirrels will often bury their nuts and seeds underground to store for later. 

Despite their reputation, squirrels are fairly smart and have a fantastic memory, and some squirrels have even been spotted pretending to bury food to fool nearby competitors. One of the main reasons why humans will come into conflict with squirrels is because squirrels will often raid bird feeders for the seeds and nuts stored inside.