Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Stink Bug Control Boston, MA

stink bug control boston

Stink Bug Control Boston, MA

Do you need stink bug control Boston, MA?  Stink bugs are an invasive species that emit a foul odor when threatened, and are immune to most pesticides, making them exceedingly difficult to deal with. 

Thankfully, Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston can help. We can start you on a comprehensive stink bug control program to remove the insects, seal them out, and make sure they don’t come back.

Stink Bug Prevention | Stink Bug Prevention Near Me

The best method of getting rid of stink bugs is preventing an infestation before it even happens. Sealing entry points by installing screens and calling home repair companies to inspect your house should keep the insects out. 

Essential oils like neem oil and mint are proven to keep stink bugs away, as well as garlic spray. 

Stink Bug Control | Stink Bug Control Near Me

Once you have stink bugs and need to exterminate them, you can use methods such as putting out a bowl of soapy water, using fly tape, or vacuuming up the bugs. 

Stink bugs are immune to pesticides, so using these harsh chemicals is not recommended. Stink bugs also don’t have any natural predators due to them being a very recent invasive species, so their number will spike rapidly. If you have stink bugs in your house, it’s best to hire a professional service experienced in stink bug removal like Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. 

Stink Bug Control Cost | Stink Bug Control Cost Near Me

The cost for stink bug treatment is variable. Stink bug treatment is part of a regular scheduled pest control service. The cost is based on frequency needed, the amount of area treated, and the intensity of treatment. Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston offers a free inspection and estimate for stink bug treatment cost. 

For stink bug prevention or stink bug treatment in the Boston MA area, call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form

Stink Bug Description, Nesting and Behavior

While it may seem hard to imagine, stink bugs were not always in America. Stink bugs are an invasive species in the United States.

Invasive species are species that are not native, and accidentally introduced to an environment through human intervention, usually through travel and trade. They were first introduced to the United States in 1996, when they were brought on shipping containers from China to Pennsylvania.  

Stink bugs are shield shaped insects with a hard shelled back. They are mottled grayish-brown with white bands on their antennae and legs. The defining feature of the stink bug is the gland they have underneath the abdomen and thorax that emits a foul-smelling odor when they are threatened or killed. They will emit this defensive scent at anything, whether it be people, pets, animals, or other insects. 

Stink bugs thankfully will not lay their eggs in your house, as you’ll typically only find stink bug eggs outside, normally on the underside of leaves, Stink bugs lay 30-100 light green barrel-shaped eggs arranged tightly in dozens of rows and clusters. They can reproduce different times throughout the year, and can lay up to 300 eggs in a single season. 

Stink bugs prefer warmer habitats and climates. You can often find them underneath floorboards, weeds, stones, ground covers and more. Stink bugs will congregate in warmer areas of your house. Stink bugs are most active in the spring and dormant during the winter, but you are most likely to encounter them in Autumn. In Autumn, the stink bugs begin their overwintering process. Overwintering is a similar process to hibernation, where the stink bug will become dormant as the winter arrives. They look for warm habitats to wait out the winter in, and no habitat is safer or warmer than the human house. Stink bugs will stay in your house for the entire winter and then leave once the spring arrives.

Stink Bug Damage

Stink bugs are on the less destructive and dangerous side of insect pests, as they don’t sting, aren’t toxic, and don’t destroy wood. However, these bugs can be very destructive towards crops. When they feed on crops, they can cause unsightly blemishes and also cause bacterial and fungal infections for the plants. 

Stink bugs can lead to up to 50% crop loss. Most topical pesticides are ineffective against stink bugs, and it can be incredibly difficult to remove these pests from your home. If you have a stink bug problem, you should call the licensed pest control experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston.