Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Wasp Removal Boston, Hornet Removal Boston

wasp removal boston

Wasp Removal Boston

Do you need wasp removal? Stinging insects like wasps can be a nuisance and their stings can be quite painful. Unlike bees, wasps don’t make honey, and they aren’t nearly as beneficial to the environment. 

Wasps will sting you as a method of defending themselves and their nests when they feel threatened. Wasps are also far more aggressive than the average bee species, making an encounter with them far more likely. When wasps move into your property and begin attacking you, your family or your pets, then it’s time for removal.

Types of Wasps for Wasp Removal Boston, MA

There are several species of wasps you may come across in Massachusetts, but the most common species you’ll have run-ins with are the paper wasps and the yellow jackets.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are named for their tendency to harvest and build nests out of paper and paper products. Paper wasps use the venom in their stings to paralyze their prey which they then carry back to their nests to feed their young. Paper wasps will sting due to perceived threats to them and their nests, and their stings can cause allergic reactions, which can sometimes be fatal in people severely allergic to wasp venom. 

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are a species of wasps that are yellow and black, known for their extremely powerful and painful sting. The yellow jacket venom is incredibly potent, and unlike bees, yellow jackets can sting more than once. Yellow jackets are also quick to anger and extremely aggressive, and will look for just about any excuse to attack and sting.

Methods of Wasp Removal Boston MA

Removing wasp nests from your property is a dangerous task, and you should never try to do it by yourself. If you are beginning to have issues with stinging insects on your property, call in the licensed experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. It’s extremely important to treat the problem quickly and effectively before it gets too out of hand. 

The first step of any wasp removal is inspection of the property and area that requires treatment. The technician can discuss a plan of action with you, and talk about costs and next steps. Wasps are treated with a three part program. First, the wasps are stunned, then they are exterminated with a spray, and finally, their nests are removed and a spray is applied to the area to make sure the wasps don’t return and nest in that area again.

Wasp Prevention Boston MA

The best way to prevent a need for wasp removal services is to keep wasps off your property in the first place. Some methods for wasp prevention include planting strong-smelling plants in your yard, as well as general upkeep of your yard. Keeping your yard in good condition is a great way to keep the wasps from coming back. Continuing with pest control treatments will also keep wasps from nesting on your property. 

Wasps are attracted to colorful plants and sources of water. Therefore, removing colorful plants from your property as well as sources of water are a great method of wasp prevention and hornet prevention.  Sources of water on your property can include bird baths or hoses, but also containers where water collects.

Wasp Removal Boston Estimates, Hornet Removal Estimates

If you need wasp removal services or hornet removal services in the Boston, MA area, don’t hesitate to contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for a free estimate. A technician will conduct a free inspection and give you an no obligation estimate for the cost of removal. Call us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.