Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Raccoon Removal Boston, MA

raccoon removal boston

Raccoon Removal Boston, MA

Raccoons are very destructive creatures. They will eat your pet food, get into your garbage cans, tear up your insulation, and can oftentimes destroy your lawn, garden, and bird feeders in attempts to find food. 

Seeing raccoons every once in a while isn’t a problem, but once you start having regular encounters with raccoons, it’s time to consider hiring a professional wildlife company for raccoon removal services.

Raccoon Removal | Raccoon Removal Near Me

While raccoons aren’t inherently dangerous or aggressive, you should never try to approach a wild one, especially not a mother raccoon with her babies. Raccoons may become frightened by your presence and can become aggressive, leading to hissing, growling, and even biting. 

Raccoons can also carry various diseases. Raccoons are one of the most prevalent carriers of rabies in the United States, and can also spread other infectious diseases and parasites to you and your pets. Removing a raccoon while its babies are still inside is never a good idea, as the mother raccoon will do absolutely anything (including ripping the shingles off your roof) to get to her babies. 

If you have a raccoon problem, you should NEVER try to handle it yourself. Instead, call your local wildlife removal service Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.

Raccoon Trapping Boston MA | Wildlife Trapper Near Me

Raccoons are attracted to the food and water source you provide, so the easiest and most effective way to stop raccoons from invading your property is to cut off their food source. Sealing your food and pet food in airtight containers and cleaning up moisture or any running water near your house will usually make the raccoons move on and find a new home. 

However, if raccoons are in your home already, they need to be trapped and removed, and their entry points sealed. Trapping and removing raccoons is dangerous, and something you should not try yourself. Instead, call the licensed experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. Once the raccoons are dealt with, sealing off their entry points will keep them out for good.

Raccoon Removal From Attics | Raccoon Removal From Crawl Spaces

Raccoons are great climbers, and opportunistic nesters. They love to let another animal do the work for them, often taking over another animal’s abandoned shelter and renovating it to suit the raccoon’s needs. They love to nest in hollow trees, natural caves or rock crevices, groundhog burrows, fox holes and other similar natural cavernous areas. 

Just like how the opportunistic raccoons will go into other animal’s nests, man made structures and homes make the perfect place for a raccoon to settle down. Raccoons are particularly drawn to crawl spaces and attics. Both of these man-made residential structures provide a perfect place for the raccoons to stay safe from predators and warm in the winter, as well as keep their young safe. Raccoons may also try to nest in your basements and in between the walls. If you have raccoons in your attic or your crawl space and need raccoon removal, call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399

Why are there Raccoons in my home?

Raccoons will often find their way into human houses to build nests in crawl spaces or attics. Raccoons are attracted to houses for shelter and a steady food supply. If you have trash, food or pet food laying around, this will attract raccoons looking for a food source.

Raccoons will also take advantage of any cracks or holes in your house, and raccoons will often climb trees adjacent to houses so they can enter through the roof.

Raccoon Feeding Habits

Raccoons are natural omnivores. They tend to prefer meat but they’ll go for anything they can get their tiny little hands on. In the wild they’ll eat crawfish, fish, frogs, and snakes(which means wild raccoons will almost always settle near a body of water), as well as a wide variety of nuts and fruits. 

Their omnivore tendencies allowed them to adapt to the human world more than almost any other wild animal. Raccoons will feast on any leftovers they can get out of your garbage can, as well as any pet food left out in the open. 

Raccoons are able to feast on such a wide variety of foods due to their dexterous, primate-like paws. These paws allow them to rip and tear into things as well as manipulate and hold objects, however raccoons can’t use tools like most primates can. 

One of the common misconceptions about raccoons is that they actually “wash” their food, due to raccoons often being seen dunking their food in water, then rolling the food item around in their hands, as if they were washing it. Through further study, scientists discovered that raccoons aren’t actually washing their food, but rather getting a more tactile feel so they have a better idea of what they are about to eat.