Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Ant Control Boston, MA

ant control boston

Ant Control Boston, MA

If you’re seeing large numbers of small six legged insects in your kitchen, you may need ant control in Boston, MA. Ants are one of the most commonly found insect pests, especially in the kitchen. Ants are attracted to sugar, so if you leave food out, you can expect to see an ant invasion. 

The team at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston specializes in ant control, and can take care of your ant problem quickly and effectively, while also preventing a need for ant control in the future.

Ant Prevention Boston, MA | Ant Prevention Near Me

While there are many different methods for ant control, the best method of ant control is preventing a need for it in the first place. Thankfully, Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston can help.

Ants are attracted to food and sugar, so the best way to limit ant infestations, drive out current ant infestations and make your home unattractive to future ant infestations is by storing your food properly and cleaning up all spills. 

Keeping your home, especially your kitchen counters and floors clean is essential for ant control. Sealing cracks in your home, walls and foundation is also another great way to keep these insect pests out. Hiring a professional ant control service like Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston is a great way to make sure you are taking the proper precautions to prevent an ant problem. Call us at 261-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.

Ant Control Methods

The key to ant control, as with any insect control, is knowing your target. Ants are insects that are closely related to bees and wasps, and can be many colors. Most ants you will come across are black or red, but some can be yellow or brown. Ants are extremely common insects, with over 12,000 different species of ant being found across the world. The three most common species of ant in Massachusetts include carpenter ants, odorous house ants, and pavement ants. 

Ant control depends on a variety of factors, including your specific needs. Ant control for an apartment with just two people living in it will look very different from animal control for a house with small children and pets. Therefore, methods will have to be adapted to the area that is being treated. 

The best method for ant control is to call the licensed professionals at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston so we can come up with a treatment for ants that best fits your specific needs. With every job, we strive to keep the ants out and take preventative measures in order to make sure they don’t come back. 

Ants in Kitchen Removal | Ants in Kitchen Removal Near Me

Most species of ant will become more active in the spring/summer months, which means you’ll most likely start seeing ant invasions in your kitchen around April or May. 

Ant control in kitchens involve a multi step approach. Our technicians can inspect to see where the ants are getting in, perform seal outs as needed, and treat the kitchen area to drive away the ants.

While many ant species are similar, not all ant species are the same, so removing them will take different methods and approaches for each specific species.

Carpenter Ant Control Boston, MA | Carpenter Ant Control

Carpenter ants are a species of ant that can be particularly destructive if the problem is left untreated. Carpenter ants are classified as a wood destroying insect, much like termites or carpenter bees. These insects can also tunnel into and create holes in wooden structures. These holes can lead to costly damage in the long run, as they can weaken and destroy the wooden structures within your house. 

Ant Control Service in Boston, MA

Ants are a nuisance and don’t belong inside human dwellings. Ants can spread foodborne illnesses like Salmonella, E. coli and shigella, as well as some other diseases like streptococcus, staphylococcus, and clostridium. Diseases aren’t the only harm ants can bring, as their bites and stings can be painful as well as cause skin conditions and itching.

If you have an ant issue in Boston, MA and need ant control services, don’t hesitate to contact the licensed pest control technicians at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. We work with you to determine the best solution for your ant problem. Fees are variable based upon your needs. Contact us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.