Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Cricket Control Boston, MA

cricket control boston

Cricket Control Boston, MA

If you hear insects chirping at night or see jumping bugs around your basement, you may need cricket control. Crickets are some of the most common insect pests you will come across in your house. Crickets are harmless for the most part, but they’re still not something you’d want in your home. 

Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston can provide you with a comprehensive cricket control program that is designed to eliminate any crickets currently in the home as well as prevent crickets in the future.

What are Field Crickets?

Field crickets are the basic bug you imagine when you think of crickets. Field crickets have a flatter abdomen than the camel cricket. Field crickets are a darker color, usually appearing as black, dark brown or gray insects. 

These crickets are a bit smaller, ranging from about a half inch to an inch long, having shorter legs and a shorter body than the camel cricket. While they do have shorter legs comparatively, field crickets are still powerful jumpers.

If you hear incessant chirping every night, it’s probably field crickets. Field crickets, especially male field crickets, are extremely loud chirpers.

Field crickets, like a lot of pests, are omnivores and will feed on organic matter such as seeds, clothing, leftover food, cardboard, grains, etc. Field crickets also will eat other insects occasionally, including some ladybugs, spiders, dead insects and even other crickets. 

Field Cricket Prevention

These crickets are attracted to warm, damp areas of your house (think basements) so think about using a dehumidifier to keep them out. Field crickets are attracted to moisture and food sources, so the best way to keep them out is to keep your food in an airtight container and keep your house dry. 

 Sealing any cracks in your doors or windows is another great preventative step. However, if your field cricket problems continue to escalate, don’t hesitate to contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for help. 

What are Camel Crickets?

Camel crickets are often a lighter shade of brown, and their body type is very unique. Camel crickets have a curved hunchback, similar to the camel from which they get their name. Camel crickets also have two massive back legs that can leap extremely far. The camel cricket’s signature leap often makes it one of the most frightening insect pests to encounter in your home, as many people think the crickets are trying to jump on them.

 These giant legs give the camel crickets the appearance of spiders, which is how they get their other name, spider crickets. Camel crickets are larger than field crickets, usually clocking in at a full inch to an inch and a half long. 

Unlike most species of crickets, camel crickets can’t actually chirp because they don’t possess the sound-making organs that other crickets have. While this is great for homeowners trying to sleep, it does make it a bit harder to detect a cricket problem. 

Camel crickets have extremely poor eyesight due to being adapted to living in caves (which is where their other name, cave crickets comes from) so they use their two massive antennae to get around, which can add to their creepy, spider-like appearance. Camel crickets will eat fungus, plant matter, clothing, and other insects, making them omnivores like the field cricket. 

Camel Cricket Prevention

Camel crickets, like the field cricket, love the warm, damp areas of the house like basements, so dehumidifiers are a great method for camel cricket prevention. Some easy ways to prevent camel crickets is to make sure all your outdoor lights are yellow, as white lights will actually attract camel crickets. 

Putting screens on all your windows and vents will also help deter camel crickets, as well as getting rid of plants, wood piles and mulch near your house, as all of these make great homes and hiding places for crickets. 

Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for Cricket Control Boston, MA Today

Crickets can be annoying, destructive and often frightening. Whether it’s field crickets or camel crickets, you don’t want them in your house. Thankfully, we can help. If you have a problem with any species of cricket, don’t hesitate to call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston to solve your cricket problem quickly and easily. Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399 for a free estimate, or fill out a contact form on our website.