Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Flea Control Boston, MA

flea control boston

Flea Control Boston, MA

Fleas are not something you want find on your property, because unlike crickets or ants who are just interested in your property, fleas are direct parasites that will feed off you, your family and your pets.  Fleas are small, brown, flightless insects that don’t grow above an eighth of an inch. They have strong jaws and sharp legs so they can sink into their prey and stay attached, and feed off your blood. 

Thankfully, Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston can help. We offer a comprehensive flea control service that can help protect your pets and family from fleas.

Flea Removal Boston, MA | Flea Removal Near Me 

Fleas are known carriers of many diseases. Fleas can carry the plague, as well as bite you, which can cause rashes and itching. 

Limiting the flea population in and around your yard is a great way to keep them out. Fleas most often enter your house on a pet or person, but they can also enter through small cracks in your house. Their populations can be eliminated with pesticides. Flea treatments are typically done inside, based on a room by room basis. 

Flea Prevention

The best form of flea prevention is calling Wildlife Removal and Pest Control. We can inspect your property and make sure you aren’t at risk for fleas, and can provide solutions if you are at risk. 

Fleas feed on your blood, they can spread diseases and make life difficult and uncomfortable for you and your pets. They should be removed immediately, and all affected areas must be treated by a pest control specialist

Flea Control Cost Boston MA

Flea removal and control cost in the Boston area is variable based on the amount of rooms that need treatment and how much chemical pesticide must be used (the intensity of the treatment). Flea removal and control cost can also depend on how severe the problem is, and how many individual treatments are needed to rid the home of fleas completely.

Contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston For Flea Control Boston MA

Fleas are not something you want in your home. If you have fleas on your property, don’t hesitate to contact us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.