Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Groundhog Removal Boston, MA

Groundhog Removal Boston, MA

Do you have burrowing rodents in your yard? You may need groundhog removal Boston, MA. Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are large rodents that are actually part of the squirrel family. They are typically reddish brown in color with short ears, short, powerful legs for burrowing and prominent front teeth that they use for gnawing and chewing. 

They are herbivores, eating all kinds of organic plant matter. Gardens may attract groundhogs to your property as they will use your crops as a food source. 

Groundhogs form massive burrows for hibernation and to raise their young. Due to their deep, intense hibernation, groundhog weight can vary wildly from 5 pounds up to 15 pounds. Groundhogs are roughly two feet long with a tail around 4-10 inches long. 

Removing Groundhogs From Your Yard | Groundhog Removal Near Me

Once the groundhogs have made it in and begun tearing up your property, it’s time to call licensed professionals for groundhog removal services. Removing a food source for groundhogs is the easiest way to remove them. However, groundhogs are smart and eat a large variety of common plants, so removing them may not be easy. 

Trapping is often the most common way to catch and remove groundhogs, but you must be smart with them as groundhogs are intelligent and won’t go into traps that look like traps, especially if there are other abundant food sources nearby. 

Groundhogs, despite not looking mean, will become very aggressive once inside the traps. Different counties and different areas have their own trapping and wildlife codes, so checking those before attempting to deal with the wildlife on your own is essential.

Groundhog Prevention | Groundhog Prevention Near Me

Like most nuisance wildlife, the easiest way to deal with groundhogs is prevention. Wildlife like raccoons that are drawn to human food can be easily prevented by sealing your trash properly and cleaning up after food spills, but since groundhogs feed on natural plant matter that can be found anywhere, preventing a need for groundhog removal services is not as simple.

Groundhogs can be deterred by fences, but because they are great climbers and even better diggers, you need to bury the fence deep and raise the fence high. Angling the fence or electrifying it will also work as deterrents. Keeping your structures like houses and sheds sealed off can also effectively stop groundhogs from making a home on your property. 

You should always make sure your house is completely sealed off and have professional grade repairs done if holes or cracks are found. However, if prevention doesn’t work, it may be time for professional groundhog removal services. 

Reasons for Groundhog Removal Boston MA

Like most nuisance wildlife, groundhogs can cause a lot of damage. Groundhogs love to burrow underneath houses, porches, sheds, sidewalks, etc which can cause expensive damages to your house and foundation. Groundhog burrows can be massive, with some up to five feet deep and 45-50 feet long. Groundhogs love to eat all kinds of plants, so a groundhog infestation can damage crops. 

Groundhog burrows can make the ground unstable, which can lead to humans and animals falling and hurting themselves, and farm equipment sinking into the earth. Groundhogs, like most rodents, need to keep gnawing and chewing on materials to keep their teeth from growing too much, so they can gnaw on wood structures around your property. 

Groundhogs can also spread diseases to you and your family. Groundhogs can spread rabies and tularemia, and they often have parasites like fleas, ticks and mites that can spread to your pets and get inside your house. Groundhogs may look cute, but they can cause a lot of damage, necessitating groundhog removal services. Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form for groundhog removal services in Boston, MA today.

Contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston For Groundhog Removal Boston, MA Today

You should never try to deal with wild animals by yourself. Instead, call the licensed experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. You can reach us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.