Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Roach Removal Boston

roach removal boston

Roach Removal Boston

Do you need roach removal Boston, MA? While not as damaging as their cousin the termite, cockroaches can still spread illnesses to you and your family, and they aren’t the kind of pest you want in your house. 

Cockroaches are brown, winged insects that can be up to two inches long. Cockroaches are abundant everywhere, however they are especially adapted to living in major metropolitan areas like Boston. If you need roach removal in Boston, call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston today for a FREE estimate. 

Cockroach Infestation

A signature trait of the cockroach is their ability to multiply extremely quickly, which means a few cockroaches can quickly spiral out of control into a massive cockroach infestation. Cockroach infestations are also likely because the insects can survive and hide in various different spots and can often develop immunities against insecticides and pesticides. 

Cockroaches, like most insects, prefer dark, damp, warm areas, which makes basements, kitchens and bathrooms preferred homes for them. While there are definitely steps you can take to mitigate your cockroach problem, once it becomes a full blown infestation, it’s time to call a licensed pest control professional like the experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston.  Call us today at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.

Roach Removal Methods Boston, MA

Once you have an infestation, it’s time to call the professionals. However, d method of entering your home is through small cracks in your house’s walls and foundation. Sealing as many of these holes as possible with caulk is a great method of excluding cockroaches once the existing ones are dead. 

Glue Strips

Glue strips are often used for massive infestations. The best method is to place the glue strips near high-traffic areas for cockroaches which can help you catch on to the location of the colony if you are properly maintaining and checking the traps.  

Boric Acid

Boric acid is a common household chemical that can be found in many everyday things around your house. Boric acid is in baking soda and even toothpaste. Boric acid, in a powdered format, can be used to kill cockroaches. However, boric acid is not recommended as your only form of cockroach treatment, as cockroaches will often develop a resistance. 

Roach Hotels

Roach hotels are structures that attract roaches with bait. Some roach hotels contain glue traps, but some roach hotels also can contain poison. Cockroaches are cannibalistic, so if one gets poisoned, rejoins the group and dies, the other cockroaches will feed on it, which can spread the poison further. 

Gel bait

A gel-like poisonous bait that can be applied to surfaces around the house. Cockroaches eat it and it kills them. Some downsides include: it dries out easily and is not broadly effective against all types of roaches. 

Sealing Gaps and Holes

Like most insect pests, cockroaches’ preferred method of entering your home is through small cracks in your house’s walls and foundation. Sealing as many of these holes as possible with caulk is a great method of excluding cockroaches once the existing ones are dead. 

Cockroach Prevention

Cockroaches are not something you want in your home. They can transmit diseases and carry dangerous bacteria that can make you and your family very sick. Cockroaches are also known to cause skin irritations. 

The best way to deal with a cockroach problem is prevention. Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston offers cockroach prevention services problem which include sealing entry points with caulk, installing screens on your door, removing food sources, and having licensed technicians inspect your home. 

If you have cockroach problems in the Boston area and need a cockroach extermination service, call the licensed experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. Call us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.