Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Rodent Control Boston, MA

rodent control boston

Rodent Control Boston, MA

Mice and rats are common everywhere in the world, but infestations in large metropolitan areas like Boston can be especially hard to eliminate.

These rodents can spread diseases, parasites and cause extensive structural damage. If you need rodent control Boston, MA call us today at 617-286-3399!   

Mice Exterminator Boston, MA

Getting rid of rodents early before their population erupts into a full on infestation is vital. Treating your rodent problem takes a three-pronged approach, consisting of trapping and poisoning with rodenticide, sealing all holes in the house that allow rodents in, and removing any food or water sources the rodents may be using. This type of multifaceted approach works the best because it kills your existing mice and rats, keeps new ones out, and deters any future ones due to the lack of entry points and resources for them. 

However, once you do have a rodent problem, it’s not recommended that you try to take care of it yourself. If you want to take care of your rodent problem for good, contact an expert wildlife removal/pest control service in the Boston area like Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston, call us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form

Why do I need rodent control Boston, MA?

Houses are full of warm, quiet places, safe from predators that rodents can settle down in. Attics, basements, crawl spaces, kitchens, all make ideal homes for rodents. Human homes are also perfect sources of food for rodents, as they can tear into any food laying around the kitchen, especially easy-to-access pet food. 

Mice and rats can wreak havoc on your home and your family’s health. Their teeth never stop growing, so to keep it manageable, they will gnaw on the foundations of your home, as well as any material they can get at. Mice and rats also love to nest within your insulation, which can cause wildly expensive damage. 

Rodents will also leave their urine and feces around the house, which can lead to serious health complications. Rodents are also incredibly fast breeders, and can have up to 60 young within a year. Mice also reach sexual maturity within three weeks, so a single family of rats can become a massive infestation within a matter of weeks. 

One of the worst and most damaging things mice and rats do is chew on wires. They need to be constantly chewing on some kind of material, and unfortunately wires make the perfect stuff to gnaw on. The rodents chewing on the wires can lead to electrical fires, which can burn down your entire house. Because of this, it is imperative that any rodent infestation be dealt with immediately.  

What can I do to limit rodent damage?

There are some preventative measures you can take to keep mice and rats out of your home. The best way to do it is to seal up any and all cracks in your house that lead to the outside, as these tiny cracks are how rats and especially mice can slip into your house unnoticed. Replacing the weatherproofing on doors and windows annually is a great preventative step. Making sure areas like the basement and garage are clean and dry are also good preventative steps, as damp, dark, cluttered areas are perfect for rats, mice and other pests

One of the main reasons why mice and rats settle inside houses is because most houses have an abundant supply. The other best way to keep mice and rats out is to keep food out of their reach. Sealing all your pantry food in hard plastic tupperware and cleaning/sanitizing food preparation services often will keep the mice from wanting to get in your house. 

Why is rodent control Boston, MA important?

Rodents cause immense amounts of expensive damage as we covered, and can lead to houses burning down due to their penchant for chewing on wires. However, another danger rodents pose is the many diseases they carry into your home. Some diseases mice and rats are known to carry include rat bite fever, hantavirus, salmonella, typhus, Lyme disease, leptospirosis and even the bubonic plague.