Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Skunk Removal Boston, MA

wildlife removal and pest control company boston

Skunk Removal Boston, MA

Do you need skunk removal Boston, MA? Skunks, also known as striped skunks, are one of the most common nuisance wildlife on the East Coast, and they are very prevalent in Massachusetts. 

 Skunks are known for being extremely adaptable, and they can live in meadows, farmlands, woods, wetlands, beaches, agricultural areas, urban areas, and suburban areas. 

Skunks are known for spraying people with a foul-smelling sulfur compound from their anal gland when they feel threatened. This is what most people associate with skunks, and this reason is more than enough to want to keep skunks far from your property. 

However, skunks can do much more damage than just spraying you. Skunks can also dig and burrow underneath your home, causing damage to your crawl space and foundation and making skunk removal necessary. 

Skunk Removal | Skunk Removal Near Me

Due to the risk of being sprayed, it’s not recommended that you try to remove the skunk yourself. Instead, call your local wildlife experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. For wildlife removal experts, humanely trapping the skunk is usually the best option, with careful consideration to not get sprayed. 

Because skunks don’t tend to get inside homes, use of devices like a one-way isn’t typically necessary. They like to stay in places like sheds, decks, porches, and underneath homes.

Skunk Prevention

Skunks are mainly drawn to the same things as other nuisance wildlife and pests, so preventing skunks is about as easy as preventing any other kind of wildlife. 

Sealing off your house, locking up your trash, and not leaving food out are all good ways to prevent a skunk invasion. If you do have a skunk invasion however, call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for skunk removal services today.

Reasons for Skunk Removal Boston

The main reason why a skunk problem should be immediately addressed is because the odor caused by skunk sprays is extremely difficult to get under control, and can make your home practically uninhabitable. 

Skunks, like many other nuisance wildlife, can also carry diseases. Skunks can carry canine distemper, rabies, tularemia and leptospirosis, as well as parasites like fleas and ticks. Skunks can also damage your crawl space and house’s foundation with their burrowing. 

Skunk Behavior

Skunks are easy to spot, as they are black and roughly cat-sized, with bushy tails and long white stripes on their backs. Skunks also have a triangular-shaped face and nose. Skunks also have very poor eyesight.

Unlike some other nuisance wildlife, skunks have extremely short legs, making them not too adept at climbing. However, they are great diggers, which is what makes them such a danger to crawl spaces and foundations. 

The skunk’s mating season is around the beginning of the year, and around late spring to early summer is when a mother skunk will create a den to have her babies in. During the summer, you can often find skunks sleeping in shaded, secluded areas above ground. 

Skunks are much less active in the winter, however, unlike many North American mammals, the skunks are not true hibernators. If the temperature gets warm enough in the middle of winter, they’ll wake up and begin foraging for food. 

Skunks, despite their reputation for spraying everything they come across, are actually fairly docile and won’t show too much aggression towards people. Skunks are natural omnivores, and will eat insects, compost, trash, bird seed, fruit, worms, and pet food. 

Feeding your pets outside is never a good idea, as this often attracts nuisance wildlife to your house. Skunks are expert diggers, and digging small holes is often how they forage.  

Skunk Removal Boston, MA, Cambridge, MA and Newton, NH

If you have skunks on your property, don’t try to remove them yourself. Call the wildlife removal experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. Call us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.