Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Bee Removal Boston, MA

bee removal boston

Bee Removal Boston, MA

Bees can be a nuisance pest often found in yards, on houses or in trees in the Boston area. These bees can sting, and pose a threat to you and your family, especially if you’re allergic. 

Thankfully, Boston Wildlife Removal and Pest Control can help! 

We offer safe, humane bee removal in the Boston area. 

Humane Bee Removal | Humane Bee Removal Near Me

Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston offers safe, humane bee removal. Instead of spraying the hives with toxic chemicals, our methods are far more humane, and we take special care to ensure the bees and their hive survive the removal and relocation process. 

We make sure to remove bees humanely due to their environmental importance. Bees are extremely important for the process of pollination. While birds and the wind also help plants get pollinated, the most important pollinator is the bee. Without bees to properly spread around pollen, plants can’t reproduce and crops will begin to die. Think of it this way: if the bees go down, our food source goes down, and we’re next. Bees also produce several natural resources that we use like honey, beeswax and honeycombs. 

Carpenter Bee Removal Boston MA | Carpenter Bee Removal Near Me

Like the termite and the carpenter ant, carpenter bees love to destroy wood structures. Unlike the carpenter ant which creates tunnels, the carpenter bee will create holes in which to raise their young. Carpenter bees will often go for weathered, untreated, unpainted wood. 

Non-aggressive swarms can be removed far easier than aggressive swarms. If the bees are non aggressive, they can be smoked, put into a box, and relocated to a new home where the colony can continue living, with absolutely no pesticides involved in the process. 

Bee Hive Relocation | Bee Hive Relocation Near Me

Instead of outright exterminating hives, Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston offers safe and humane bee hive relocation. Bees are “smoked” with a harmless gas that calms them down but doesn’t kill them. The honeycombs are removed sheet by sheet with the bees still on them, and they are placed inside a bee box and removed from your property and relocated to a safe new home away from residential areas. 

Bee Description and Behavior

Bees, closely related to ants and wasps, are known for producing honey and beeswax, as well as being amazing pollinators. Bees can either live in hive colonies or can live on their own, depending on the species of bee. 

They can be stinging or non-stinging, also depending on the species. There are several hundred different species of bee, but the three types you are most likely to encounter are bumblebees, honey bees and carpenter bees. 

Bees are known for their hives, which they build in their colonies. A bee colony consists of a queen, workers, and drones. The queen’s only job is to mate with drones and produce new bees, which are cared for by the worker bees, who also collect pollen and nectar, as well as clean. 

Bees prefer to build their nests in meadows, heavily forested areas, and other woods that can offer them plenty of pollen and nectar from plants as well as protection from birds and other predators. During the winter, bees and other insects enter diapause, a dormant state similar to hibernation. Due to this overwintering, you are much less likely to see these bees out and about when the weather is cold

Bee Removal Boston MA

If you have bees on your property that you need removed, contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for safe and humane bee removal Boston, MA today. Call us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.