Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Mosquito Control Boston, MA

mosquito control boston

Mosquito Control Boston, MA

Do you need mosquito control Boston, MA? Mosquitos are a common nuisance pest, they invade your personal space, bite you and suck your blood, and leave itchy bumps, bites and welts. Summers in Boston are like summers in the rest of the world, heavy with mosquitos. 

Thankfully your friends at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston are here to keep your property free of mosquitos. Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston is your best bet for mosquito control Boston, MA. 

Mosquito bites can cause itching and swelling, but they can also spread diseases like malaria, West Nile virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus. Mosquitoes that bite both birds and mammals are often responsible for transferring diseases between species.

Mosquito Control Boston MA, Mosquito Control Near Me

Once you have mosquitos on your property, it’s time to call the licensed pest control experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. Our pest control experts can come out and inspect your property, then diagnose your problem and provide you with options for the best solution for your unique situation. 

We treat mosquitoes with a specially formulated, professional-grade spray that’s stronger than anything you can buy in a store for personal use. Maintaining your property and getting consistent pest control inspections and treatments in the Boston area is the key to keeping your property mosquito free. 

Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston is the best service for mosquito control and mosquito treatment in the Boston area. Call us today at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form

Mosquito Prevention Boston MA

The number one key to mosquito prevention in the Boston area is to eliminate standing water on your property. Mosquitoes lay their eggs and breed in water, so eliminating that water is the best method to prevent full on mosquito invasions on your property. 

 Make sure there’s no water in garbage cans, old tires, flower pots, or any other containers that can hold water. If you have a bird bath, make sure to flush it weekly at least. Clean and empty pet bowls and flower vases often. Put a screen on rain barrels, water tanks and cisterns. Drain flat roofs and clean all clogged gutters. 

Eliminating standing water isn’t the only form of mosquito prevention in the Boston area. You can also burn essential oils or grow garlic in your garden, as the scents caused by these will drive off mosquitos. Using lighting that doesn’t attract mosquitos is also a good preventative tool. 

Once you do have mosquitos, there are some steps you can take to eliminate them, including setting up mosquito trapping systems. Putting out a bowl of soapy water can also eliminate a mosquito problem. The mosquitos will fly into the bowl for the water, and the soap in the water will trap and kill them. 

Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston also offers preventative mosquito treatments in Boston, Cambridge and Newton. We can help you solve your mosquito problem before a single bite occurs. Don’t worry about mosquitos ruining your summer, call us today at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form

Why do mosquitoes bite people?

Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide humans breathe out, and they can follow a stream of it from close to 50 feet away. Mosquitos also love the lactic acid that is built up on the skin of humans and animals during exercise. Mosquitos like darker colors and can be attracted to certain scents. 

Mosquitos don’t actually only feed off your blood, the female mosquito bites you so it can use the nutrients in your blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes don’t bite at all. The main sources of food for mosquitos are fruit juices and plant nectar. 

 Mosquitos are most active during the night, from dusk through dawn, which is when most mosquito bites happen. Mosquitos also have a very short lifespan, of only one to two weeks.