Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Termite Control Boston, MA

termite control boston

Termite Control Boston, MA

Do you need termite control Boston, MA? Termites are one of the most destructive pests you can ever have, causing hundreds to thousands of dollars worth of damage if the problem is left untreated. Thankfully, our licensed termite control experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston can deal with your termite problem and keep them from coming back. 

If you think there’s a chance you have a termite problem, waiting can make it worse. Reach out to us immediately for a free inspection, and one of our expert technicians can come investigate your property for termites.

How Do I Know I Have Termites?

Termite damage oftentimes will resemble water damage (think buckling wood or ceilings), with termite damage even emitting a similar mildew smell. However, the key difference between termite damage and water damage is the presence of tunnels. If you can see pencil-shaped tunnels, then you have termites, not water damage.  

Termite damage can ruin your home and be incredibly costly. This damage also affects your home’s resale value. Most companies won’t even sell your house if you haven’t had a proper termite treatment or inspection done. 

Thankfully, Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston provides preventative termite services as well as termite control. Termite prevention is essential if you want to keep your home in good shape. If you fear you may face a termite problem at some point, like say if your neighbors had termites, then it might be time to look into preventative termite services. Contact us today at 617-286-3399 to find out more about our preventative termite treatments! 

Termite Control Boston, MA | Termite Control Near Me

Termites aren’t particularly dangerous to humans on their own, but in colonies they are an awful and destructive pest to have in your home, and they should be dealt with by a licensed pest control expert as soon as possible. 

One of the first steps in termite control is determining where exactly the termites are tunneling. Check outside near your house’s foundation as well as in attics or crawl spaces to look for termites or termite damage. 

It can be very unsettling and upsetting to discover a termite infestation, and they are very difficult to get rid of. Thankfully, we’re here to take care of your termite problem once and for all, and to make sure your home is protected from termites for years to come. The best thing you can do for a termite problem is to call your local experts for termite control services.

Termite Control Cost

Termite treatments can vary based on the needs of the client, the treated property, the species of termite, and more. There are three main types of termite treatments: partial, full and preventative. The first step of any process is to locate where the termites are. Most termites can be found near the foundation of the house, which requires a process called trenching, where the technicians dig trenches around your house to treat the termites in and around the foundation effectively. 

The fees associated with termite control are variable, and can depend on the same factors that decide the type of treatment you need. Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston today for a free estimate for the cost of your termite control service.

Contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for Termite Control Boston, MA

If you think you have termite problems, contact us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.