Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Tick Control Boston, MA

Tick Control Boston, MA

Do you need tick control Boston, MA? Ticks are not something you want to find on your property, because unlike crickets or ants who are just interested in your property, ticks are direct parasites that will feed off you, your family and your pets. These pests feed off your blood. Ticks are actually arachnids, not insects. Ticks have eight legs, are often black, brown and red, and bury themselves within their prey. 

Ticks are one of the last things you want to have. Thankfully, Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston can help! We offer a comprehensive tick control program to keep your yard safe. 

Tick Control Boston MA Cost

Limiting the tick population in and around your yard is a great way to keep ticks out. Ticks most often enter your house on a pet or person, but they can also enter through small cracks in your house. Tick populations can be eliminated with pesticides. Tick treatments are typically done outside in the yard

Tick removal and control cost in the Boston area is variable based on your unique situation and the type of tick you have in and around your house. Costs for these services can best be determined during an initial inspection. During this inspection, the pest control technician can provide you with an estimate for the cost of the treatment plan. 

Tick Prevention

The best way to prevent ticks is to contact a licensed pest control service like Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston to treat your yard. 

Preventing ticks in your yard is as easy as calling us, but preventing yourself from getting ticks can be a more difficult task. When going out into the woods, try to avoid areas that have higher tick populations. If you can’t do that, make sure to wear hats or other head coverings, wear proper clothing, wear insect repellent, and check yourself and any pets who may have come along for ticks before you both enter the house. 

Ticks feed on your blood, they can spread diseases and make life difficult and uncomfortable for you and your pets. They should be removed immediately, and all affected areas must be treated by a pest control specialist. 

Diseases Spread By Ticks

Ticks are known carriers of many diseases. Ticks can carry Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and other serious illnesses that can affect you, your family and your pets.

Contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston For Tick Control Boston MA

Ticks can spread serious illnesses and are not something you want on your property. If you have ticks on your property, don’t hesitate to contact us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.