Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Animal in Attic Removal in Boston, MA

animal in attic removal boston

Animal in Attic Removal in Boston, MA

If you’re hearing sounds in your house like the sound of animals scratching, running, gnawing, etc. then you might need animal in attic removal in Boston. However, it can be hard to identify which animals you have up there just by sound alone. 

Some animals that can make their way into your attic include bats, squirrels, raccoons, rats, mice, and flying squirrels. Squirrels are especially prone to nesting in your attic, as their excellent climbing ability allows them to scale trees and houses easily. 

 Squirrels love attics because it makes for a safe, warm space for them to raise their young away from unsafe weather and predators. Squirrels, unlike most nuisance wildlife who nest in attics, are NOT nocturnal, so you’re much more likely to hear them as they are active in the daytime. Some of the smaller, quieter critters can go unnoticed in your attic for a long time.

Animal in Attic Causes in Boston, MA

There are many different ways these various nuisance wildlife may get into your attic. Vents and holes in your roof, siding, or attic are the most common ways. Animals can exploit the tiniest crack in your house, and claw and gnaw their way in. 

Once they get inside, these animals will begin wreaking havoc on your attic as they make themselves comfortable. You can tell there are animals in your attic once you begin hearing weird sounds, noticing strange or bad smells, or even seeing footprints or tracks.

Reasons for Animal in Attic Removal in Boston, MA

Animals in your attic can be very destructive. Thee destruction these animals can cause can be expensive, dangerous, and worst case, even deadly. Animals in your attic will nest deep inside your insulation, oftentimes tearing it up. Animals in the attic can also chew and scratch on everything up there, ruining parts of your house and destroying anything you have in storage up there. 

Animals in the attic oftentimes chew on wires, which can lead to deadly electrical fires. Mice and rats alone account for over 1/4th of house fires per year. These animals oftentimes will spread bacteria and diseases to you and your family. Animals will also urinate and defecate all over the insulation, soiling it and causing a need for insulation removal, repair, and replacement. Soiled insulation can spread diseases like histoplasmosis to you and your family, so it is important to have it removed and the area sanitized. 

Methods for Animal in Attic Removal in Boston, MA

Removing animals from your attic can be tricky, especially if they aren’t mice or rats. Mice and rats can easily be poisoned, however all other animals are considered nuisance wildlife and not pests, so therefore, they cannot be poisoned. Some animals, like bats, are actually protected under Federal law and cannot even be removed from your property, especially if they have babies. Removing raccoons with babies is also not a great idea because those raccoons will tear the shingles off your roof to get back in if their babies are left inside. 

Because animal in attic removal can be so difficult and often dangerous, it’s almost never recommended you do it by yourself or by hand. There are devices used for animals called one-ways that can allow animals (especially bats and squirrels) to leave, but not reenter. One-ways are often used for animals in attic problems alongside trapping. 

Animals will often have to venture outside to get food and water, and when they do that, they’ll fall for the traps and can be removed from your property. Using a combination of trappings, one-ways and sealing the holes the animals got in through will keep these pesky nuisance wildlife from making a mess in your attic. 

Animal Removal From Chimney

While attics are the more preferred place for animals to nest, some animals can also nest in chimneys.   Most of the same animals that nest in your attic will settle down in your chimney if they can get into it, including bats, birds, raccoons and squirrels. The easiest way to prevent a need for animal removal from chimney is to keep your chimney capped so wildlife can’t enter.

Contact your local licensed professionals for Wildlife Removal in Boston, MA

Animal in attic removal can be stressful and dangerous if you do it yourself, so you should always contact professionals, Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.