Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Bird Removal in Boston, MA

bird removal boston

Bird Removal in Boston, MA

Are you looking for bird removal Boston, MA? We can help! Birds will often settle down and make nests within houses, including parts of the house such as chimneys, attic insulation, rafters, dryer vents, and even inside your walls.

Birds living in your house can cause contamination and extremely unsanitary conditions, as birds can spread diseases to you and your family through their droppings. Birds can also become extremely aggressive, as they want to protect their nests. Birds can attack you and your family, as well as any pets that are unfortunate enough to get in their way. For bird removal Boston, call the experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. 

Bird Nest Removal

Removing birds and bird nests from your house can be tricky, as many birds are protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty, a treaty that is meant to federally protect certain species of migratory birds. This can mean some birds require special permits for the removal. There are some species that are not protected, like European Starlings and House Sparrows. These species are not protected because they aren’t native.  

Game birds, aka birds that are often hunted like geese, ducks, doves, and shorebirds (various birds that live and feed on shorelines) have limited protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty and they can be hunted when they are in season. The Migratory Bird Treaty protects well over 1,000 species of birds from capturing, possessing, hunting, killing, selling and transportation of birds, their eggs, and even sometimes their feathers. 

Birds in Attics

Birds will often nest deep within attics, in the rafters or soffits. Birds will also often take insulation material to make their nests. Bird droppings can also contaminate and ruin your insulation, so following bird removal you may need the insulation removed, the area sanitized and the insulation replaced. 

Bird Droppings Cleanup

Birds can spread diseases and even parasites like mites to you, so you should never try to handle them on your own. Bird droppings, like bat droppings, can spread diseases like histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. Both of these diseases will make humans extremely sick. The best way to have bird droppings cleanup done is to contact the licensed experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston that are trained to safely and humanely remove birds from your property.

Bird Prevention

Preventing bird infestations is the best way to avoid needing bird removal. A huge way to prevent bird infestations on your property is by not feeding the birds. Bird feeders and other direct sources of food will attract the birds to your property, and they may try to nest within your house. 

 Repairing your house, sealing all cracks and openings, and installing screens on doors, windows and vents can all help with the animals physically breaching your house. Having professional, licensed wildlife control professionals inspect your house can also go a long way in preventing bird infestations. 

Bird Guard Installation

Birds will often make their nests inside dryer vents, roof vents, and any other exterior vents they can find. These vents provide an easy entrance to your home, as well as provide shelter for the birds. One of the best ways to prevent a bird from nesting in your vents is to have Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston install a professional-grade bird guard on your vent, which allows the vent to function as normal but prevents birds, squirrels and other animals from getting inside. 

Pigeon Removal Services in Boston, MA

Another pesky bird you may want removed from your property in the Boston area is the pigeon. Pigeons are extremely adapted to urban environments, and are the bird you are most likely to see in a major metropolitan area like Boston. Pigeons, unlike most nuisance wildlife, are not afraid of people, which means they will often nest within manmade structures. 

Pigeons love to nest inside insulation, attics, crawl spaces, rafters, beams, and any small little nooks inside buildings. Pigeon droppings are high in acid and can actually corrode manmade structures, even metal and stone ones. Pigeons love interacting with people, but don’t let them get too close. Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston for pigeon removal services in Boston, MA today.

Woodpecker Prevention in Boston, MA

Woodpeckers are another species of bird that have adapted well to living within urban and suburban areas. Woodpeckers are often known for their tree nests, but they are able to also survive in larger cities like Boston. Some easy methods of woodpecker prevention include installing deterrents on your property, getting licensed wildlife technicians to inspect your property, installing exclusion methods like one-way devices, and getting professional grade repairs done.  

Contact Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston For Bird Removal Boston, MA

If you have any issues with birds nesting in your house, don’t hesitate to contact the licensed experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston. Our knowledgeable experts can safely and humanely remove the birds on your property in accordance with state and local laws. Our technicians are also skilled and licensed for all kinds of wildlife removal, so call us at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.