Boston MA Wildlife Removal

Snake Removal Boston, MA

Snake Removal Boston, MA

Snakes are the slithery reptile predator that is common all over the world, and the Boston area is no different. Most people want snakes removed due to their ophidiophobia, or fear of snakes. Most people are afraid of snakes, so ophidiophobia is not rare. However, ophidiophobia is not the only reason for snake removal. 

Snakes can bite, as well as transmit diseases. Thankfully, the snake removal experts at Boston MA Wildlife Removal and Pest Control can safely and humanely remove any snakes on your property. 

Snake Prevention Near Me

The best way to prevent snakes is to call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston to prevent pests such as mice, rats and insects. Snakes are attracted to a steady food source, and so if you have pests, snakes will be soon to follow. 

If a snake has gotten into your house, do not try to trap it or kill it yourself. Most snake bites happen due to people trying to trap the snake or kill it. Instead, call an expert snake removal service with technicians who are trained to safely and humanely remove snakes from your home.

Some good ways to keep snakes out include sealing all entry points, installing screens at all doors or windows, getting professional wildlife inspection and house repairs done, and installing snake exclusion measures. Call Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston at 617-286-3399 or fill out a contact form. 

Snake Removal Boston, MA | Snake Removal Near Me

Snakes can be scary, and for good reason, as many are venomous and can bite you, sometimes fatally. Snakes love to shelter around houses and other buildings for warmth. Screened porches and pools are favorites of snakes, but they can often be spotted inside the house itself. Snakes can enter your house through the smallest hole, which can make snake removal essential. 

Snakes bite roughly 40,000 people per year, 8,000 of which are venomous. Due to snakes being able to fit into almost any size crevice, many snakes will get into your walls and die, which can be extremely hard to get out.

Snakes love to feast on mice, rats, cockroaches, crickets and other insects, so if you have a snake problem, you most likely also have a pest problem. Snakes won’t spend too much time in your house without a consistent food source. Snakes also shed their skin often, so seeing dead snake skin around your house is the biggest sign you may have snakes present. 

Snake removal is also necessary because snakes can spread a variety of diseases to you and your family. Snakes can carry salmonella, botulism, leptospirosis, campylobacteriosis, and their venom can make people very sick, and oftentimes kill them without proper antivenom treatment.

Snakes and Natural Predators

While snakes may seem like the scariest animals around, they often find themselves getting taken down by their own predators. Mongooses, foxes, coyotes, wild boars, birds, other snakes and even raccoons are known to eat snakes. However, the greatest thing snakes have to fear is humans. 

Humans capture and kill snakes for a variety of reasons. Humans will kill them for intruding on their property. Humans also tend to capture snakes to sell them to other countries as pets. This is how pythons got to Florida, and why they are such a problem down there.

Snakes can also be killed by humans so their skin can be harvested for fashion like purses, belts and shoes, among other things. Venomous snakes are also captured and sometimes killed to produce antivenom, to save the life of humans that were bitten by them. 

Snake habitats are also being destroyed by humans for various purposes, which can lead snakes into conflict with humans. Snakes have many different ways of protecting themselves, including using their natural scale color to camouflage themselves among the ground, grass, sticks and leaves. Snakes will also try intimidation before biting, which can include hissing and attempts to make themselves look bigger. Some snakes will even play dead like an opossum.

Who Should I Call for Snake Removal Boston, MA?

If you have a snake problem in the Boston, MA, Cambridge, MA or Newton, NH area, your best bet is to call the licensed wildlife removal experts at Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Boston to remove the snake safely and humanely. Call us at 616-286-3399 or fill out a contact form.